Friday, September 23, 2011


A huge thing is happening for Carlykins!!!
I am so excited about this!!
Do you remember a few blogs back I posted about a girl friend who wanted something "Girlie" for herself.
She got her Carlykins Flower clip the other day in the mail and loved it! Said she got a "gazillion compliments on it"!!
How cool is that!!
So she has placed a Large order of 100 of them to give her clients as a Gift!!
She owns
This has been one of the biggest learning experiences yet for myself with Carlykins. I am using math that I swore I would never use ! HA HA
I haven't even really gotten started on the project yet but everything is ordered and on its way to me! Actually the clips got here today, now we are just waiting on the flowers!
This is such a huge compliment to me/Carlykins I just do not know how to take it all in just yet.
Pictures to follow!!

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